Manage databases in Android devices, in real time, without leaving Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA
SQLScout is a plugin for Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA that provides powerful, dedicated support for managing and debugging SQLite and Room-managed databases.

New! Room Support

  • Automated Migration to Room: Generate Entity, DAO, TypeConverter, Migration and RoomDatabase classes from existing database schemas
  • Execute SQL statements inside @Query annotations

View, debug and update SQLite databases in your Android device, in real time, without leaving the IDE.

  • No need to download database files from your device anymore
  • No more time spent on roundtrips or app redeployments
  • Increased productivity!

  • Room support, including generating Room classes from existing schemas and executing statements in @Query annotations.
  • Database schema explorer where you can connect to SQLite databases, browse their schemas and data, and open SQL editors and diagrams.
  • Powerful SQL editor where you can easily write and execute statements to query and manipulate data, with the help of syntax highlighting, code completion, reference navigation, refactoring and more!
  • Slick data console that features viewing query results and manipulating table data, free of SQL statements. You can also export its contents to different formats.
  • Intuitive diagrams that helps you quickly view and understand all the tables in a schema and their relationships.

Room Support

Room is a persistence library, part of the Android Architecture Components, that provides an abstraction layer on top of SQLite. It makes interactions with databases simpler, less error-prone by reducing the amount of code we write, in addition checking our SQL statements at compile-time.

Automated Migration to Room

Generate Entity, DAO, TypeConverter, Migration and RoomDatabase classes from existing database schemas, making migration to Room quick and simple.

Execute Room Queries

Execute SQL statements in Room Query annotations. Named parameters supported!

Database Schema Explorer

SQLScout allows you to connect to SQLite databases in Android applications or in the file system, browse the elements of an schema, find usages of tables and columns, quickly open in-memory SQL editors, view and edit table data. Learn more.

Connect to SQLite Databases

You can connect to databases running on an Android device or the emulator, or stored in the file system.

Integration with Android Studio’s Device File Explorer

Debug and manage any database in an Android device from Android Studio’s Device File Explorer. Simply select a database file (*.db or *.sqlite) and open it (double-click it or select the context menu “Open.”

Browse Schema

Browse the schema of a database, view detailed information of tables and columns, and jump to the columns that foreign keys refer to.

Find Usages

You can find usages of any table or column in SQL statements. You can also find references to columns by foreign keys.

In-memory SQL Editors

You can open a new SQL editor for a selected database. The contents of in-memory editors can, later on, be stored on disk.

SQL Editor

SQLScout’s powerful SQL editor provides a complete set of features that you need from an IDE: syntax highlighting, code completion, navigation to schema and alias definition, and much more. Learn more.

Code Completion

The editor can complete keywords, functions, table and column names, and aliases, within the visibility scope.


The editor automatically finds and updates all references, when renaming a table alias.


The editor can navigate to the definitions of tables, columns and aliases, from a targeted SQL statement.

Function Documentation

The editor embeds a quick information for SQLite functions, as well as a link to the online documentation.

Data Console

SQLScout’s data console can display query results, edit table data, and export its content to different formats, such as Excel! Learn more.

View Query Results

The console displays query results, record pagination is provided if necessary. The console also keeps a history of executed SQL statements!

View and Edit Data

The console features viewing and manipulating table data, free of SQL statements. The console includes special editors for each data type, including BLOBs!

Column Sorting

The console sorts the displayed data by one or multiple columns, in ascending or descending order, by clicking the column headers.

Export Data

The console can export the displayed data to different formats (CSV, TSV, HTML and Excel.) Data can be exported to the clipboard or saved to a file.

Database Diagrams

SQLScout creates diagrams for databases, to aid visualization of tables, columns and relationships. Learn more.

View and Edit Data

You can select a table in a diagram and view its data.

Automatic Layouts

You can move tables around or have the diagram arrange them automatically.

Interactive Overview

You can open an interactive diagram overview that is always in sync with the editor.


You can export diagrams to multiple formats.